Joustie's blog

May 13, 2013 - 1 minute read - Comments - ldap php windows

Create your own haystack

So I’d like to introduce Stackoverflow-like functionality to my company network. It can support us internally, because we run a front-and back office team. But we also talked about integrating solutions like this into our own BI/MDM product:  My Cloud Controls.

We can buy us some of the functionality (from the cloud for instance, or outsource it otherwise), but at our place, we’d like to build or run our own servers. So let’s give it a try. I actually already did by investigating this list 2 months ago.

The first candidate we’re testing is Question2Answer. We like it, but it is a bit .. spartan (is that english?).

The needle in the stack is quite big these days Supporting AD LDAP

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