First install the latest Docker(I use the Mac version for this tutorial) here: Get Webstorm:
Start the Docker Quick start terminal (see screenshot) You’ll start the default docker vm (linux inside OS X).You can find this later by issuing ‘docker-machine ls’: ![] Go and download an image inside the docker terminal:Use ‘docker pull ubuntu’
To run an interactive shell in the Ubuntu image: use ‘docker run -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash’
Of course we also want to mount our home directory: e.g. use ‘docker run -it -v $HOME:/mnt ubuntu’ Inside the docker host you can find out that your mount is there: ‘ls /mnt’
Go and create a folder on the host system that is going to have the app that you want to install for example /Users/thajoust/dev.Create a package.json file by issuing a : ‘npm init’ on the host system in $HOME/dev or create a empty one with: ‘touch $HOME/dev/package.json’ on the host system shell.
Now if you go to the docker terminal and issue the command ‘ls /mnt/dev/’ you will see the package.son file
You can exit the container by issuing ‘exit’ in the container shell. You now need to run the docker image from the docker terminal to mount the new directory directly : ‘docker run -it -v $HOME/dev:/testApp -w /testApp ubuntu’ Now you will be in the container and you will be able to see the package.son. You can safely delete it now.
Next up is installing node in the container: First update the package state: ‘apt-get update’ then: ‘apt-get install nodejs’
Install npm: ‘apt-get install npm’ ![Screen Shot 2015-09-16 at 14.25.19]
Install Node locally: ‘npm install n -g’
First install wget:‘apt-get install wget’
then:Install latest nodejs:‘n latest’
Install express generator:‘npm install -g express-generator’
Inside your testApp folder you can create an express App:‘express my app’
Now we have to introduce a quick workaround for the problem that on some platforms there will be problems with symlinks,.
echo “bin-links=false” »$HOME/.npmrc