Joustie's blog

Feb 2, 2016 - 1 minute read - Comments - ci nodejs react javascript agile jenkins cordova mocha saucelabs appium

Running CI end-to-end testing on Sauce Labs with a React hybrid cordova app

In the wonderful world of crossplatform App development it’s hard to do end-to-end testing and CI. We have been able to setup CI for the CHECK web application, and I wanted to use the experience to make it work for mobile as well.

Those React mobile apps generally run in a Cordova container, not as a native app. Of course there is the React Native project, which will run directly through a javascript bridge, but for now we are still using Cordova.

Today I will show you from scatch how we go about this.

This delivery process consists of the following steps:

  • Part 1
    • building the React application (with flux as example)
  • Part 2
    • embed the application in a Cordova container
    • prepare the container
    • ~~build the Cordova container into a package that ~~
  • Part 2 (Android)
    • embed the application in a Cordova container
    • prepare the container
    • build the Cordova container into a package that can run in the Genymotion Android emulator
  • Part 2 (iOS)
    • embed the application in a Cordova container
    • prepare the container
    • build the Cordova container into a package that can run in the iOS simulator
  • Part 3
    • upload the app package to Sauce labs
    • create the Appium test (with Mocha)
    • run the test on Sauce Labs

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