Joustie's blog

May 13, 2017 - 1 minute read - Comments

Down and out in Katowice

{% codeblock [First code] [lang:bash] %} var express = require(‘express’, template = require(‘pug’)); var session = require(‘express-session’) var util = require(‘util’); var oauth = require(‘oauth’); {% endcodeblock %}

So what is this? It is the first code I used for the backend part of our project at the ING Hackathon 2017 in Katowice, Poland. It was held at Walcownia Cynku,a former Zinc rolling Mill (big scary machines!).

logo The logo

I was part of a team of 6 people and we had a great time. We arrived thursday afternoon and had a nice evening (I also met our colleagues from the CDaaS support team who are based in Katowice) teampic

The countdown

Unfortunately our team did not win the competition, but one of us won a prize for best photo’s and it was a great experience above all!

wal1 The venue

wal2 Don’t go near this!

Tags: personal

Creating Excel sheets with java Sien is boos

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