Joustie's blog

May 13, 2013 - 1 minute read - Comments - ldap php windows OSS

Supporting AD LDAP

Almost forgot that I have made a contribution to the Question2Answer plugin for LDAP-authentication. I need it to connect to MS Active Directory through LDAP and it did not work out of the box for me. After some tweaking I decided to fork the plugin on Github. They accepted my changes when I created a pull request, so that is cool.

May 13, 2013 - 1 minute read - Comments - ldap php windows

Create your own haystack

So I’d like to introduce Stackoverflow-like functionality to my company network. It can support us internally, because we run a front-and back office team. But we also talked about integrating solutions like this into our own BI/MDM product: My Cloud Controls. We can buy us some of the functionality (from the cloud for instance, or outsource it otherwise), but at our place, we’d like to build or run our own servers.

May 13, 2013 - 2 minute read - Comments - experts-exchange gamification hp-forums jeff-atwood pcchips stack-overflow

The needle in the stack is quite big these days

A couple of years ago I was introduced to That was quite an improvement over my frantic Google searches for IT related questions at the time. I did not like the experts-exchange site which was very popular back then. Long before that I even used old-school Usenet for asking and answering questions about IT topics. This was before it was primarily known as an alternative to file-sharing. The funny thing is it actually predates peer-to-peer file-sharing of course.

Aug 31, 2012 - 1 minute read - Comments - dell linux pm800 windows


My work laptop has been running Windows 7 for a year. The funny thing is I never really used the OS for work. My development environment resides in a Virtualbox vm. The harddisk is a Samsung PM800 ssd and has been crawling to a halt since a couple of weeks. It has trim support and the firmware should support it(i checked it last year) but the write performance is … bad.

Mar 8, 2012 - 1 minute read - Comments - linux monitoring nagios nagios-plugin perl OSS

Monitoring multiple tcp-ports at once in Nagios

During the last two months I have been setting up Nagios as a side project. We have a lot of new customers coming in and we need to have a tight grip on our systems to satisfy service levels. So as I set up a Debian host to run Nagios on and was making progress in adding systems, I encountered several issues. One of them was the fact that I need to monitor several tcp ports that are utilized in the applications we are running in a JBoss container.

Dec 27, 2011 - 1 minute read - Comments - personal

Hello world!

Welcome to my renewed site. I used to blog in the past as well, and I’d like to share some things again. This time, most of my ramblings will be work related. I hope I can help/inspire/amuse my readers!

Jan 1, 0001 - 1 minute read - Comments

About me

My name is The Dude. I have the following qualities: I rock a great beard I’m extremely loyal to my friends I like bowling That rug really tied the room together. my history To be honest, I’m having some trouble remembering right now, so why don’t you just watch my movie and it will answer all your questions.

Jan 1, 0001 - 5 minute read - Comments

Lan aantekeningen

Op deze pagina weetjes over LAN gatherings Games Team Fortress Install on Linux # create the user sudo groupadd tf2 sudo mkdir /var/lib/tf2 sudo useradd -d /var/lib/tf2 -g tf2 -s /bin/bash tf2 sudo chown tf2.tf2 -R /var/lib/tf2 # download the steamcmd script curl -O # extract it tar -xvzf steamcmd.tar.gz # go and run it cd steamcmd sudo -u tf2 steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir ~tf2/server +app_update 232250 validate +quit Custom shell script to start and stop the server:

Jan 1, 0001 - 1 minute read - Comments


Airquality PM 2.5 Readings for my area: Airquality PM 10 Readings for my area: Co2 in my house Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOCs)) in my house Airpresssure